Arianne Leather sofa from Fama

The Fama Arianne Leather Sofa is a modular sofa range. You can order as many sections of the Arianne as you want, to create your bespoke size and even go around corners. You may also be interested in the Arianne Love which is available in Fama’s hundreds of fabrics.
Hundreds of leathers for you to choose from.

Arianne Leather sofa details

Build your own bespoke size and shape using the Arianne’s range of modular sections.

Choice of wood finish on the feet to complement your room.

Lifetime frame and suspension warranty for your peace of mind.

Click to see the modules

Design your own sofa using the Arianne’s range of Leather Modules

Use a combination of Arianne modules to build the right size and shape to suit your room. If you need any help with your design just visit us in-store where we can help you create your dream sofa using our 72inch touch screen virtual simulator or give us a call on 01270 628836 and one of our knowledgeable team will help you out.