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Choosing the right sofa for your living room is a big decision, it can be a big expense, so you want to get the look and the comfort just right. After a turbulent few years spent cooped up in lock-downs, we’ve learnt to love our homes and how good they can be for entertaining and relaxing. It’s never been more important to perfect your home design and furnishings.

The sofa market right now is abundant with modular shape options and fabric choices. You shouldn’t have to compromise, on what you really want. But there are some pitfalls to watch out for. Here are some considerations to take into account before buying your new sofa.

1. What sofa best suits the shape of your room?


Long and narrow rooms

To make the most of the space in a long room, you might consider using a modular corner sofa. A corner sofa would maximise the seating space along 2 dimensions, like our customer did with the Arianne Love model, below. Or, for even narrower rooms you may consider designing a long sofa, with recliners, like the Avalon below. With a contemporary recliner sofa you don’t have to compromise on the comfort. You can still recline all the way out, lie almost horizontally and get really comfortable. whilst maintaining space when the recliner is not in use. At the far end of the room the customer created a separate dining zone. Making the most of the extending glass, Myles table, from Peressini Casa. And Mili fabric chairs designed in complimentary fabrics to the sofa, tying the whole room together.

Large square rooms

When you have a large room to decorate you have no limitations on space and want to create your own stylish area within. The two customer rooms below used similar techniques to create their perfect zones, but with very different outcomes. Both started with a large rug in the centre of their zones. We like the use of a trio of Galet ceramic top coffee tables, on the centre of their rug, providing a functional element and more depth to the room. Both customers framed their rugs with large, modular, luxury sofas. One using the classic Brandon modular sofa from Sits and the other the incredibly versatile and stylish Arianne Love from Fama.

Open plan rooms

Open plan, living room/diners are very popular right now and we find that it’s best to get zonal with this type of layout. A designer corner sofa like the Fama sofa below, makes use of a long wall and creates the dividing line between the living room zone and dining zone.

2. Choose the right fabrics/leathers for your room

If you’re moving into a new home or starting afresh, your sofa might be your first buy meaning you can decide your colour scheme there and then. More commonly you will already have cherished furniture and accessories, that your sofa has to compliment. In this case you will want to choose your rooms main focal points and pick colours that will compliment them. Gone are the days when you were limited to 5 or six fabrics, each a different shade of brown or grey. Now our major manufacturers give you a huge amount of fabric and leather choices so you can create your own bespoke style. Take a look at our fama fabrics page to see just how exciting your sofa can be. Then try their simulator to create your own modular sofa and add a combination of different fabrics, to see how they would work together.



4. What will the room be used for

When considering the right sofa for your room, its vital you think about its day to day use. Is it a lounging room, used mainly for movies and nights in with the family? If so then you will want your sofa to be comfy to spread out on, either big corner units, chaise units, footstools or recliners. Get your feet up, make yourself comfy and snuggle in with a cosy and warm throw. Or is it a room for socialising with friends? In which case you will want a more formal sofa, that provides good support when in the upright position, like the high backed Avalon or Axel sofas.

5. Try before you buy

There are a lot of considerations to take into account when choosing your sofa but the most important thing is to try some sofas out. We all have our own individual ideas of what is comfortable for us. We encourage our customers to try each sofa in our showroom and use them how they would at home. Even if that means kicking their shoes off and having a good lie down. If you find a luxury sofa that you can get comfortable in we can create the right size, shape and fabric configuration, to suit your room. With all the modular and fabric choices available to us the options are limitless; we have designer leather sofas for those looking for a practical and stylish sofa, or sofa beds for those looking for additional visitor space. So, if you’re not too far from us come and pop in. We love talking customers through our product range and helping them design their perfect, bespoke, luxury homes!

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